For immediate use: 30 March 2002

“The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament will send a strong and clear message from our demonstration in London this Saturday to next week’s summit in Texas between President Bush and Prime Minister Blair – Don’t Start Wars” said CND Chair Carol Naughton.

The march will leave Hyde Park at 1.00 p.m. for Trafalgar Square where a rally will start with taped renditions of the song ‘War – What is it good for?’ by Edwin Starr, Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Bruce Springsteen. Carol Naughton, Bruce Kent (Vice-President CND), Andrew Murray (Chair Stop the War Coalition), Shahedah Vawda (Just Peace) and Caroline Lucas MEP, Tam Dalyell MP and Alice Mahon MP will address the rally from the foot of Nelson’s Column.

The demonstration is supported by the Stop the War Coalition which has been working hard to mobilise for it, just as they did for the successful demonstrations on 13 October, 18 November and 2 March.

The proposed assault on Iraq and the revelations that the Pentagon has a seven nation target list for nuclear first strike has given further impetus to the mobilisation for the demonstration but missile defence and Star Wars will be the major focus.

“Recent statements by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon indicated just how deeply New Labour has become enmeshed in the Republican right’s aggressive agenda, best summed up by Space Command’s goal of achieving Full Spectrum Dominance,” concluded Ms Naughton.


Call Nigel Chamberlain on 020 7700 235 0 to arrange interviews in advance or 07968 420859 on the day.