11 am: Meet at Aldermaston Wharf for a memorial ceremony for the estimated 80,000 victims of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki 75 years ago. Write your own message on paper boats and cranes at our stall and then float the boats down the canal. Boats will be recovered at the end of the ceremony. This event will also be a commemoration of Caroline Gilbert, lifelong peace activist and campaigner. Everyone welcome
12.15: Leave for a refreshment stop at Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp, food and hot drinks provided. Write messages to leave on the fence.
2 – 4 pm. Join us at AWE Main Gate for a banner and messages event.

Lifts available if required.

Preparations for Nagasaki Day on Saturday 8th August
Join us on Saturday and camp overnight if you’d like to help with preparations for the Nagasaki Day events (making paper boats, cranes, banners and messages to leave on the fence). Materials provided.
Disabled toilet near the camp.
If coming by train, the Reading train leaves at 10.34 and arrives at Aldermaston at 10.46

These will all be socially distanced events. Please wear a mask and be mindful of current Covid-19 measures

For any enquiries, please contact Nuala on 07806 600862

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Paices Hill