At its annual conference this weekend the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – (CND) called for an end to the US/UK occupation of Iraq, and for a temporary UN administration to oversee reconstruction while the Iraqi people elect their own government.
CND Chair Kate Hudson said “As the Hutton Inquiry has revealed, the lies used to justify the war on Iraq have struck at the heart of British politics, and those lies and that war have had a horrifying impact. The war on Iraq has created a disaster for the people of that country, with the failure to maintain services like water, health care, education and basic security. The only way out of this impasse is for power to be transformed to the people of Iraq without delay.”
The conference condemned the nuclear hypocrisy of the government, which, while ostensibly going to war over the issue of weapons of mass destruction, is currently refitting its own Trident nuclear submarine system at the Devonport Dockyards in Plymouth.
The conference reaffirmed its commitment to its co-operation in the anti-war campaigning with the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain, and urged strong support for the demonstration in London on September the 27th.