With the world on the nuclear brink, with international tensions high, the UK government should be encouraging peace talks and disarmament, not building more nuclear weapons.

But instead it wants to spend £205 billion of public money on a new nuclear weapons system. 

Nuclear weapons also threaten the future of our planet. Join Youth and Student CND to campaign for peace, and for the planet. 

Are you a CND member aged under 25 or a student? There are plenty of ways for you to get more involved.

Organise an event
Raise awareness of the need to get rid of nuclear weapons on campus by arranging a talk, discussion panel or information session. Film screenings are also an easy and popular way of introducing people to the campaign – check out your university library to see what relevant films are available for loan.

Get your student union to adopt a Stop Trident motion
Student unions can adopt motions expressing their views on a range of subjects. The University of Manchester Student Union, Bristol University Union and the University of East Anglia Student Union have adopted motions supporting CND’s campaign. If you would like to do the same, here’s a draft motion you could use. If you’re successful, remember to let us know!

Set up a society at your university
If you would like to set up a CND society at your university or college, have a look at this guide. Societies can be a great way of making new friends and sharing skills. In fact, Durham University has just been set up!

Help us run YSCND
We’re always looking for people to help us run Youth and Student CND. However you would like to contribute – by designing graphics, posting on social media or going to demonstrations, please get in touch. Click here to find out more.

Social media
Follow Youth and Student CND on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

If you have any questions about Youth and Student CND, please contact yscnd@riseup.net or phone 020 7700 2393.