Donald Trump has returned to the presidency demanding that NATO nations increase their military spending to 3%, possibly 5% of GDP, and threating massive tariffs. His commitments to NATO remain uncertain, as does his administration’s approach to the Ukraine War and possible ceasefire-related diplomacy. His “America First” agenda includes a $100 billion increase in the Pentagon’s already gargantuan budget.
What are the implications for Euro-American relations with Russia, for NATO or pressures for an independent European military, for the U.S., European, and world economies? How should U..S. and European peace movements respond?
Join this webinar to discuss further.
With guest speakers Niamh Ni Bhriain, coordinates TNI’s War and Pacification programme; Reiner Braun, who served as General Secretary of the International Peace Bureau; and Michael Klare, visiting fellow of the Arms Control Association. Facilitated by Kate Hudson, CND Vice-President.
Organizers: No to War / No to NATO Network; Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security; International Peace Bureau.
For any queries please phone the CND office on 020 7700 2393.