[CND group name]  says no to US nukes returning to Britain

On Saturday, 23 September, [CND group name] will take part in a nationwide day of action opposing any return of US nuclear weapons to Britain.

It follows recent reports that the US Air Force is building a multi-million dollar “surety dormitory”* for 144 personnel at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. The Federation of American Scientists says this “strongly” implies that Washington is in the process of re-establishing its nuclear weapons presence for the first time in 15 years. The deployment of the new B61-12 guided nuclear bomb to Britain marks a dangerous escalation in global tensions and ensures Britain will be targeted in the event of a nuclear war. In such a conflict, Lakenheath would likely be targeted followed by attacks on Britain’s own nuclear weapons sites and infrastructure and cities across the country.

After three national demonstrations at Lakenheath, CND groups across the country are holding events in their own areas to raise awareness about these risks and argue that this isn’t just a local problem for Suffolk. It’s a major matter of national concern. We are calling on the UK government to stop the US siting their nuclear weapons in Britain, and to engage in efforts to deescalate global nuclear tensions through dialogue and diplomacy. 

  • Saturday, 23 September
  • location of event
  • time of event

[Info of specific event, speakers etc]

[Person of CND group name] said: “The argument that these nuclear weapons will guarantee our safety is a fallacy. Instead, the deployment of these weapons to US bases in Europe has led to Russia stationing its own nuclear weapons in Belarus. Our national day of action aims to raise awareness of these dangers and to send a clear message to the government: we won’t allow Britain to become a base for US nuclear weapons that puts us on the front line in a future nuclear war. Over the decades, from Lakenheath to Greenham Common, persistent popular protest has been vital in getting US nuclear weapons removed from Britain. Now we must stop them coming back.”

Contact: [group contact details]

*“Surety” is used by US government departments to refer to nuclear weapons.