21 June 2002: for immediate use
Advanced notice of Public Meeting : Tuesday 2 July at 7.00pm, Lower Guildhall, Royal Parade, Plymouth.
The arrival of HMS Vanguard up the River Tamar in February gave added impetus to the local debate about the advisability of refitting nuclear submarines in a conurbation and discharging radioactive tritium to the air and marine environment.
Local activists came together with representatives of national organisations on 12 May to form the Nuclear Free Coalition. It was agreed that a public meeting be called for 2 July to give people an opportunity to listen to factual information on the issues surrounding nuclear safety.
Independent nuclear consultant John Large will give a presentation covering all aspects of the refit of Trident submarines, starting at 7.00 p.m. in the Lower Guildhall and followed by a question and answer session.
Personal letters of invitation to participate have been sent to:
Emergency Planning Officer and Head of Environmental Services for Plymouth City Council;
Chief of Police and Fire Brigade;
Commander of Royal Naval Dockyard;
DML (Devonport Management Limited);
Religious community leaders;
Head Teachers of local schools;
Residents’ Associations;
Trade Union representatives;
Representatives from Local Health Authorities;
The Nuclear Installations Inspectorate;
The Environment Agency.
On 20 September, Plymouth City Council will assume direct responsibility for managing the consequences of any nuclear incident originating from the Devonport Royal Dockyard.
The Nuclear Free Coalition believes it is imperative that local people should have the confidence in the preparedness of their local services.
Further information from: CND Campaigns Worker Patrick Van den Bulck on 020 7700 2393 or 07968 420858