Israel is unleashing major assaults across the Gaza Strip once again. During the two month ceasefire, Israel repeatedly violated the agreement but now it has torn it into shreds.
CND continues to demand that the UK government implement a full arms embargo on Israel now.
In April we are turning the focus of our campaign for a free Palestine to towns and cities across the UK with demonstrations and boycott actions in every local community. Get involved.
This will be followed by a huge demonstration in London on May 17 as we commemorate the anniversary of the 1948 Nakba and the ongoing Nakba today.
A nuclear weapons-free Middle East
A nuclear weapons-free Middle East is also central to peace in the region. Click here to support CND’s call for the UK government to work towards this!
Israel refuses to acknowledge that it has nuclear weapons – estimated to be approximately 90 warheads – and also refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). It uses the threat of its nuclear arsenal to act with impunity across the region. International pressure needs to build on Israel to join the NPT and take steps to disarm its nuclear weapons.
For a decade, a UN-led framework to contain Iran’s civil nuclear programme, the Joint Comprehensive Programme of Action (JCPoA), has been in place. However, this was sabotaged by Trump in 2018, and talks failed to resume. Trump now needs to work with Iran to re-establish this framework.
The British government must actively promote engagement with the JCPoA and work within the UN to secure a nuclear weapons-free Middle East treaty.