
New radiation risks

This report by Dr Ian Fairlie examines recent epidemiology evidence showing that radiation is more dangerous than previously believed. It is now clear that radiation is considerably more dangerous than accepted by most governments, both in terms of the size of its cancer risk, and in terms of other diseases apart from cancer.
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Nuclear power in the UK

CND calls for an end to the production of nuclear energy – a technology that is dirty, dangerous and economically unsustainable. Find out more in this briefing.
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Nuclear power: not the answer to climate change

In the midst of both a climate crisis and energy crisis, the calls for increased production of nuclear power are getting louder. But this would be a mistake - nuclear power is not the answer to climate change. Find out more in this briefing.
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Nuclear reactors are vulnerable during wars

Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to meltdown at any time, but they are especially vulnerable during wars, such as we are seeing in Ukraine at the moment. Read this briefing by Cindy Folkers, from Beyond Nuclear International, and Dr Ian Fairlie, CND's scientific advisor and Vice-President, on the possible health consequences of radioactivity and radiation releases from stricken nuclear reactors.
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Wind turbine

Reasons why nuclear power is a poor electricity option

Although the government is pressing for the expansion of nuclear power in England and Wales, in fact nuclear has several manifest disadvantages which are not addressed in government statements. Read this fact sheet on why nuclear power is a poor electricity option.
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The links between nuclear power and nuclear weapons

Nuclear weapons and nuclear power share several common features. This briefing looks into the long list of links including their histories, similar technologies, skills, health and safety aspects, regulatory issues and radiological research and development
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A primer on radiation and radioactivity

Following Russia’s recent shelling of nuclear power plants in Ukraine, many people have asked for information about radiation. Read this primer for lay people on radioactivity and radiation prepared by CND's scientific advisor and Vice-President Ian Fairlie.
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Vote against the Nuclear Energy (Finance) Bill

The government is trying to force through controversial new legislation which will make consumers bankroll the nuclear power industry, whilst giving them no protection from spiralling costs. This briefing was prepared by CND for MPs, urging them to vote against the Bill.
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Protester wearing a skull mask opens a barrel of "toxic waste" as police officers watch on

Radiation Risks

Scottish CND has published this guide to radiation risks and nuclear power in Scotland more generally.
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