Alan Mackinnon was a leading figure in the peace movement. As Chair of Scottish CND, he co-ordinated protests against the Gulf War in the 1990s, established the Scottish Coalition for Justice not War, protested the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and of course campaigned against Trident.

Alan was an important member of the Scottish government’s working group on Scotland Without Nuclear Weapons and edited Scottish CND’s magazine, Nuclear Free Scotland, for many years. He worked with trade unions to present a detailed case on the economic and employment implications of scrapping Trident, presented in a ‘Trident and Jobs’ report. Alan wrote many important reports over the years, including most recently ‘Falling Eagle, Rising Dragon: The dangers of a new arms race in the Asia-Pacific region’ and ‘NATO Is the Biggest Threat to Peace’.

What is 60 faces of CND?
2018 is the 60th anniversary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Founded in 1958 at the height of the Cold War, CND has been a powerful collective voice against the dangers of nuclear weapons.

CND’s greatest strength has always been its members.
Incredible people have shaped our history,
our present and will continue to inspire in the future.

Here we take a look at 60 Faces of CND,
60 people who represent all the millions of people
who have campaigned for nuclear disarmament over the decades
and have made our organisation so remarkable.

60 Faces homepage