UNISON, PCS, RMT, FBU, TSSA and ASLEF are all nationally affiliated to CND. Unite North East, Yorkshire and Humberside have also affiliated.
NUJ (member of TUCG)
Passed at ADM in 2007. 116
ADM instructs the NEC to campaign against Trident replacement, support the peaceful actions being taken by CND and the Stop the War Coalition on this issue and publicise this issue to members via the union website and all other means of communication.
PCS (member of TUCG)
Delegate David Semple seconded TUC’s Motion P17.
“PCS national policy opposes Trident renewal because it is a costly and unnecessary. PCS believes it should be scrapped, with the money saved to be reinvested in our public services and infrastructure, generating thousands of jobs in the process.”
RMT (member of TUCG)
Supports CND as part of RMT’s wider vision of a society based on freedom, peace and social justice.
Congress believes that Britain’s nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction, capable of killing millions of people and are tied into US military and foreign policy and that far from deterring nuclear threats, replacing Trident may increase the risk of nuclear conflict.
Passed Motion 17: defence, jobs and diversification at TUC Conference 2017
Moz Greenshields (TUC JCC): “There is a clear, economic and political need for a strategy in which defence diversification – the planned move from the production of armaments to socially useful products – plays a major part. In transitioning away from nuclear weapons, we do so in such a way that protects the jobs and skills of those who currently work on Trident.”
“The majority of the British people, including the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and other parliamentary party leaders, oppose nuclear weapons. They are weapons of mass destruction that can kill millions. They don’t keep us safe and they divert resources from essential spending.
Let’s get the message out loud and clear: we don’t want Trident and we don’t want a new Trident.”
In 2016 General secretary Dave Prentis: “There is no justification for renewing Trident nuclear weapons, especially at a time when public services are under such huge strain. The British economy needs real investment in public services, not years of cuts, and certainly not a nuclear weapons system designed for the Cold War era.
Instead the government should be investing in our schools, hospitals and social care system.”
Covering motions 17 to 35 inclusive
Debated on Monday 11 July 2016 at Unite Policy Conference, Brighton
Unite remains opposed in principle to the possession or deployment of nuclear weapons (including Trident) but our first duty remains to our members. Therefore until there is a government in office ready, willing and able to give cast-iron guarantees on the security of the skilled work and all the employment involved, our priority must be to defend and secure our members’ employment.
Unite commits to campaigning to secure a serious government approach to defence diversification, enabling Britain to play its part in nuclear disarmament and urges the Labour party to give the highest priority to this aspect in its considerations.