Earlier this year, a submission was made to Maldon district council in Essex for initial ground investigations and tests to be carried out with the intention of building a twin reactor nuclear power station near Bradwell-on-Sea. This would be located on the site of the now partly decommissioned Magnox power station and constructed and run by the controversial Chinese-state-run General Nuclear Company (CGN).
Plans for a new nuclear power station at Bradwell B have been in the works since 2011 when the location was designated by the government as being suitable for a new nuclear power station. Prior to the commencement of the work, CGN had agreed to a consultation process, yet after its launch in March the 12-week process was cut short due to the lockdown. In addition, this consultation was process was restricted to only those living close to the site, with major towns such as Chelmsford (18 miles/30km away), Colchester (12 miles/20km away) and London (37 miles/60 km away) not included.
CND opposes the building of new nuclear power station as it is a technology which is expensive, dirty and dangerous, burdening those living around the site and future generations with the potential risk of a human and environmental disaster. For more information on nuclear energy, check out our briefing here.
Whilst both CGN and Maldon Town Council are now insisting they will not delay the process any further, this is far from a done deal. The deadline for public responses to Stage 1 of the consultation has been extended until July 1st and you can let them know your views here. You can also sign and circulate the online petition. For more information on the campaign, you can find the local Bradwell Against New Nuclear Group here: https://www.banng.info/
See also:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlackwaterAgainstNewNuclear/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlackwaterBANNG
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVceVPQ3noXoOlxfeCCoDZw/
Latest video on running the consultation during the pandemic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_D8YGSyu8s