For immediate release: 26 January 2004

Photo and interview opportunities:
– Weapons inspectors parade nuclear missile outside parliament
– Public meeting with Dr. Glen Rangwala, who exposed the Government’s dodgy dossier

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament will be marking the Hutton announcement this Wednesday by joining a public lobby and holding a public parliamentary meeting. The organisation will call for “No More War Lies” and a full, independent investigation in to the war. CND will join the Stop the War Coalition at Parliament Square at 1pm in their public lobby and protest to coincide with Tony Blair’s statement to the Commons. CND will remind Mr Blair of the failure to uncover WMD by having weapons inspectors parade a giant inflatable nuclear weapon and placards demanding “No More War Lies”

On Wednesday evening the organisation’s Chair Kate Hudson will speak at CND’s public meeting – “After the Hutton Report: End the war lies” – at 7pm in Portcullis House, hosted by Alice Mahon MP. Speakers include Dr Glen Rangwala (who exposed the government’s dodgy dossier), Jeremy Corbyn MP and Lindsay German of the Stop the War Coalition. The meeting is seen as a first chance for the anti-war movement to fully react to the report and its repercussions.

Whilst CND welcomes the report, its Chair, Kate Hudson, is one of many calling for a full investigation.
“The Hutton report is welcome but we are still waiting for a proper investigation of the issues around the war. – why did the government attack Iraq, why did they do it when they did and did the government have sufficient evidence to launch the attack? A lot of people believe that that war was fought for the sake US foreign policy interests, economic control and the personal ambitions of George Bush. If we are to believe that thousands of people died for anything other than the US administration’s own interests then we need those questions answered.”

CND claims that the War on Iraq has done more than anything else to highlight the nuclear hypocrisy and the UK and US governments. As Kate Hudson continued,
“We would like the Prime Minister to report to this country on how he can justify owning WMD himself yet justify killing thousands of people in another country on the clearly unjustfied suspicion that their leader may do the same thing. That would be a report worth reading.”