What is an Early Day Motion?

An Early Day Motion (EDM) is a mechanism MPs can use to raise awareness of a particular issue, event, campaign, or accomplishment. At the same time, EDMs can be used to call on the Government to perform a particular action, and they enable MPs to highlight their support for a cause that is important to them. The contents of an EDM are submitted in the form of an elongated sentence or statement, and whilst they are tabled in the name of one Primary Sponsor and multiple Sponsors, they are open to other MPs to sign in order to register their support. The more MPs that sign the EDM, the greater the demonstration of Parliamentary support for a particular cause or view.

Parliamentary CND regularly drafts and submits its own EDMs, and CND calls on our members and supporters to request that their MP sign them.

Actions in parliament to support

Stop US nuclear weapons coming to Britain (EDM 98)

This EDM is in response to the news that US B61-12 nuclear bombs will be sited at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk.  MPs have come together to seek more information from the government on this dangerous development and to make it clear that hosting another country’s nuclear weapons puts everyone in Britain on the nuclear front line. 

Previous EDMs

Below is a selection of past EDMs supported by a cross party group of Parliamentarians.