55 years after the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s first London to Aldermaston march in Easter 1958, CND is returning to Britain’s nuclear bomb factory to say stop fooling with nuclear weapons on Monday 1st April (12 noon – 2pm).

With last week’s Budget delivering further cuts to vital public services, join us in calling on the government to scrap the Trident nuclear weapons system and cancel plans to replace it. This would save the £3bn per year we spend on running Trident, and the £100bn the government plans to waste on building and running a replacement system.


Speakers include: Green Party leader Natalie Bennett; Labour MPs Paul Flynn and Jeremy Corbyn; Green MEP Keith Taylor; fashion designer Katharine Hamnett; CND founder-members Walter Wolfgang and Pat Arrowsmith; CND General Secretary Kate Hudson and many more.


Time to Scrap Trident: Stop Fooling with Nuclear Weapons
AWE Aldermaston
Monday 1st April
12 noon – 2pm

Twitter hashtag: #NukeFools