We have published some blog pieces on different aspects of our peace education work, which you browse via the links below.


Finding Common Ground – how young people can find their voices through learning about the largest female protest since the suffragettes.

Hear from Hannah Cushion, Schools Outreach Coordinator for Greenham Women Everywhere about how your school can get involved in remembering Greenham Common women.  More…



 Using Christopher Nolan’s ‘Oppenheimer’ to engage school students in discussion about nuclear weapons

This blog piece written by Dr Guy Westwell, Head of Film at Queen Mary University of London and CND Peace Education School Speaker reviews the film ‘Oppenheimer’ released in the UK during the summer 2023. There are also links to other related resources and a  new poem responding to the film by Antony Owen which could be used in English lessons.  More…




Ask an activist

This learning resource features 15-minute interviews with young changemakers. Every week we platform an activist under 21 who makes positive change as an elected representatives or a campaigner. Through Ask an Activist we hope to demystify campaigning and inspire young people to realise their own power. More…



Educating the Peace

It’s never our aim to convert young people to believing in the views of CND, but we believe it’s crucial to provide a balanced education about nuclear weapons and peace. More…


School Vacation Creations #Hiroshima75

See how young people have been creatively commemorating the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on this 75th anniversary.


What can a peace crane teach students about Citizenship?

It’s been 75 years since the bombings of Hiroshima (6th August) and Nagasaki (9th August). Why not make your own peace crane to mark the occasion and honour those affected?


The Importance of Peace and Nuclear Weapons Education in Citizenship:

Good Citizenship education can benefit from bringing nuclear issues to the attention of students



Feed-back, and going forward: We reflect on student and teacher evaluation forms from the 2018-2019 academic year. What went well, and where is our work going?



100,000th download of our acclaimed free teaching resources: Announcing this recent success, and giving an overview of our work and other achievements!


‘From Cold War to Hot Topic: ‘Dial M for Missile”: A spotlight on our newest teaching pack, showing how designing a nuclear bunker (amongst other activities!) can help students see their world in a new light.