The Federation of Promotion of Zero-Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy (Genjiren) will convene an online global conference on March 11, 2021. The ‘Global Conference for a Nuclear Free, Renewable Energy Future: 10 Years Since Fukushima’ will mark a decade after the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent disaster at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
More than 100 speakers from Fukushima, Japan and abroad, including eminent leaders, experts, government representatives and civil society and youth will address the current situation in Fukushima, challenges, and global trends and actions for energy and climate. This is set to be the largest memorial event marking the nuclear plant disaster of ten years ago. Over 75 sessions will take place throughout the day, including panel discussions, film screenings and a live virtual tour from Fukushima. Several dozen of these sessions will be broadcast live in English.
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