CND, CODEPINK, Stop the War Coalition, and the No to NATO network have called an international day of anti-war action on Sunday 6 March. We call on everyone who opposes this war to take to the streets on March 6 in a massive display of global opposition to the war and the warmongers.
The war in Ukraine is a disaster for the people of Ukraine and a terrible threat to us all, including increasing the danger of nuclear war. We oppose the Russian invasion and call for the immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops. We recognize that the expansion of NATO and the aggressive approach of Western states have helped cause the crisis and we demand an end to NATO expansion. We also oppose sanctions that will harm ordinary Russians and call on all countries to welcome refugees fleeing the war.
There have already been many anti-war demonstrations in Russia and many other countries. What we need now is a massive, unified response by peace-loving people around the world to say No to War in Ukraine; Yes to Negotiations and Peace.
Meet outside the BBC in Portland Place – look out for the yellow CND banner – before marching to Trafalgar Square.
For any enquiries, please contact
Portland Place