Join CND’s Trade Union Advisory Group for a meeting on how we can build the case against nuclear weapons and war in our unions.

The Labour Party has announced a commitment to a triple lock on nuclear weapons which includes the construction of four new nuclear submarines in Barrow-in-Furness, maintaining a continuous at-sea deterrent, and delivery of all future upgrades needed for those submarines. In addition, he is aspiring to commit 2.5% of GDP on defence. This is all wrapped in a flag of national security and jobs.

Unfortunately, some trades unions – including the TUC –  have backed policy in support of nuclear weapons and increased defence spending on the basis of jobs. We cannot allow our movement to be part of the drum beat to nuclear war and we must get organised. 

For this reason, we are calling a meeting of CND trade union affiliates, post the election, to start discussion on how we can build the case against nuclear weapons and war in our unions.

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