A portrait photo of Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson
CND Vice-President
Kate Hudson was General Secretary of CND from 2010 to 2024. She was previously Chair of CND from 2003. She is a leading anti-nuclear and anti-war campaigner and author of CND at 60: Britain’s Most Enduring Mass Movement.
Written by Kate Hudson

Prominent figures in the German peace movement have issued a statement deploring the German government’s role in the recent EU Summit on Greece.


Not in my name, Mrs Merkel!

Not in my name, Mr Schäuble!

We are appalled and indignant about the outcome of the EU Summit on Greece. It has trapped the country into a slave-like dependency on the institutions of the international financial capital. In so doing they have destroyed democracy and the remnants of an economy and increased unemployment, hunger and suffering amongst the whole population.

The lead-up to what has happened reminds us of the darkest hours of German history. Describing these methods as blackmail is an understatement when the dignity of the people is being crushed.

Following the Summit we believe that there can be no progress – and we are not alone in thinking this, Nobel Peace Laureate Joseph E. Stieglitz, Paul Krugmann and Heiner Flasbeck are of the same opinion.

The entire Greek population has been condemned to poverty so that the banks can maintain their profits – and all because of the failed politics of austerity and the political sins of social democratic and conservative Greek governments. The government of Germany is leading as a curtain is drawn over the moral and political values of Europe.

Not in my name – we would like to carry this message to the Greek people and call for all of a like mind to do the same: write / email / post / tweet “not in my name” together with your arguments; to the Greek people, to the 61% of the referendum – and to many others.

There is a minority who is not blinded by the drumming of most of the media in Germany. We have not forgotten the German crimes against the Greeks. We want to see this country, with its great history and culture, living free in a socially just and sustainable democracy. Therefore we loudly proclaim: “not in my name, Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Schäuble”.

Berlin, 13th of July 2015

Reiner Braun, Executive Director of International Association
of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) / Co-President International Peace Bureau (IPB)

Kristine Karch, Co-Chair International Network No to War – No to NATO

Pascal Luig, Board Member Scientists for Peace (NatWiss)

Lucas Wirl, Program Director International Network
of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES)