Every year, an International Fast is held in several countries worldwide between Hiroshima and Nagasaki days. Initiated over thirty years ago in France and Germany, the fast takes place in sorrow and in commemoration of the deaths by the atomic bombings of Japan. The fast is supported by organisations around the world, including CND.
In the UK, the fast will be followed in Knighton, London and Barnstaple.
In London, the fast will be based in Victoria Embankment Gardens, with accommodation provided nearby. Vigils will be held on Hiroshima and Nagasaki days, with various forms of peaceful protest taking place in the Whitehall area.
In Knighton, the fast will take place night and day at St. Edwards Church where prayer meetings, crane making and discussions will take place alongside an exhibition of peace banners. Click here for full programme.
Whether to fast or simply join the actions, all are welcome.
For more information contact Marc Morgan by emailing marcwmorgan@btinternet.com or phoning 07563 725829