The British government continues to ignore public concerns over the return of US nuclear weapons to Britain, despite growing evidence that they are on their way.
‘Don’t make us a target!’: email your MP
On 16 January 2025, Jill Hruby of the US National Nuclear Security Administration stated that “[t]he new B61-12 gravity bombs are fully forward deployed…” These bombs, which are three times more destructive than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, are reportedly now being stationed at NATO bases across Western Europe, including potentially RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk.
US budget documents show that the base’s weapons storage silos are being upgraded to store the new B61-12 guided nuclear bomb, and new dormitory buildings are being built to house additional military personnel needed for any potential nuclear weapons mission. Washington also intends to double the amount of nuclear-capable F-35 aircraft it has stationed at Lakenheath to 54 – the first phase of upgrade works for this purpose has been completed.
The deployment of these bombs in Britain makes us a target in any potential nuclear conflict. CND has already written to the Prime Minister asking for him to make a statement. Despite this, the government refuses to come clean about the deployments. That’s why we need you to get involved with the campaign. CND supporters have repeatedly protested at RAF Lakenheath and across the country since we first heard the news and we are also legally challenging developments at the base.
Actions you can take :
- Use our lobby tool to email your MP about your concerns
- Collect signatures for these postcards for CND to hand in at 10 Downing Street
- Come along to the next peace camp at the base between April 14th-26th
- Donate towards our legal costs
- Order materials such as leaflets and petitions to raise awareness
110 nuclear bombs were stored at the airbase but they were removed in 2008 following persistent popular protest. We stopped these weapons before – will you help us stop them again?
For more details please see CND’s briefing on the subject