17 March 2004: for immediate use

End the cycle of violence’ says CND, One Year On – No More War, No More Lies,

CND, the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain are holding a national demonstration on Saturday 20th March to mark the 1st anniversary of the Iraq war. The demonstration is calling for an end to the lies surrounding the war. The demonstration will assemble at 12 noon at Speaker’s corner in Hyde Park and march to Trafalgar Square for a rally.

Many thousands are expected to attend the demonstration to march against an illegal war and an ongoing illegal occupation. The march is part of an international day of action against war, mourning the loss of innocent lives through illegal aggression which has resulted in a humanitarian disaster.

Kate Hudson, CND Chair, calls for an end to this cycle of violence and for government based on honesty and a foreign policy based on respect for international law.

Kate Hudson said

“The British people were out on the streets protesting against this war a year ago. One year on from the war the British people have still not had the answers to their legitimate questions. Why did we go into an illegal war? On what justification? On what evidence? Who made those decisions? These questions are not going to go away and our government sinks further in to disrepute by avoiding them. We continue to demand an independent public inquiry into the war.

As the recent tragic events in Spain show, the threat of terrorism has not diminished and we demand that our government rethinks its warlike approach to solving the complex problems of the world today.

The reaction of the Spanish people to the terrible horror has been an overwhelming call for peace and we pay great tribute to them for that.

Let us join together on Saturday to call for an end to this cycle of violence, for government based on honesty and a foreign policy based on respect for international law. We reject the Prime Minister’s turn towards pre-emptive war, so clearly spelled out in his Sedgefield speech, and urge him to take the road of peace before our world is engulfed in ever greater violence.’


Notes to Editor
1. For further information please contact Ruth Tanner, CND’s Press & Communications Officer on 0207 700 2350 or 07968 420859
2. An inflatableTrident Missile will be blown up at 10am on the morning of the 20th March at the Speakers Corner end of North Carriage Drive. There will be Weapons Inspectors with signs saying ‘We’ve found the WMD’.
3. On Wednesday evening at 8pm in the CND office, 162 Holloway Road, there will be lots of people making placards, signs and costumes to take to the march on Saturday.
4. For interviews with Kate Hudson, Chair of CND, Bruce Kent, Vice President of CND, or Sophie Bolt, Chair of London Region CND please contact Ruth Tanner CND’s Press & Communications Officer on 0207 7002350 or 07968 420859