Members of the DAC protest at the Thor missile base in North Pickenham, 1958


No one really took any notice of these types of attacks. From its origins, CND has always been a very broad organisation, encompassing in its membership an extremely diverse range of political views, ethical and moral considerations and social backgrounds. As one campaigner put it rather humorously at an early CND conference, ‘In CND I have to mix with so many odd people that the sooner we ban the bomb the better.’ There is no doubt that over the years CND has generally benefited from this diversity and been strengthened by the different approaches to campaigning that this inevitably brings.

What is The People’s History of CND?

To celebrate six decades of vibrant and powerful activity, this online exhibition displays photos and memories provided by our members and supporters. They selected the photos that best symbolised a significant memory from the past 60 years. The exhibition shows photos from demonstrations, vigils and blockades; significant sites, like Greenham, Molesworth, as well as photos of artefacts, like favourite badges, banners, and knitting.

The People’s History of CND homepage