
Nuclear reactors are vulnerable during wars

Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to meltdown at any time, but they are especially vulnerable during wars, such as we are seeing in Ukraine at the moment. Read this briefing by Cindy Folkers, from Beyond Nuclear International, and Dr Ian Fairlie, CND's scientific advisor and Vice-President, on the possible health consequences of radioactivity and radiation releases from stricken nuclear reactors.
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Wind turbine

Reasons why nuclear power is a poor electricity option

Although the government is pressing for the expansion of nuclear power in England and Wales, in fact nuclear has several manifest disadvantages which are not addressed in government statements. Read this fact sheet on why nuclear power is a poor electricity option.
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NATO nukes in Europe

All NATO members are required to share the responsibility of the alliance's nuclear-armed capability.  While only three of its members have their own arsenals, the rest are required to participate in the ‘sharing’ of around 180 US nuclear weapons, as examined in this briefing.
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For Heaven’s Sake: Examining the UK’s Militarisation of Space

‘For Heaven’s Sake: Examining the UK’s Militarisation of Space’, jointly published by Drone Wars and CND, is the latest publication in Drone Wars UK’s ‘Future Wars’ project which scrutinises the development and use of novel military technologies, particularly by the UK government.
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A primer on radiation and radioactivity

Following Russia’s recent shelling of nuclear power plants in Ukraine, many people have asked for information about radiation. Read this primer for lay people on radioactivity and radiation prepared by CND's scientific advisor and Vice-President Ian Fairlie.
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The impact of a nuclear war

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the people of that country are suffering heavily as they are attacked from the air and on the ground. But the conflict poses an even wider threat – the existential threat of a nuclear war between Russia and NATO. This briefing looks at what the effects of a nuclear war would be.
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Vote against the Nuclear Energy (Finance) Bill

The government is trying to force through controversial new legislation which will make consumers bankroll the nuclear power industry, whilst giving them no protection from spiralling costs. This briefing was prepared by CND for MPs, urging them to vote against the Bill.
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TPNW’s first Meeting of States Parties in Vienna: fact sheet

A new United Nations agreement – the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) - entered into force in 2021 making nuclear weapons illegal in the countries that sign it. This fact sheet explains all about the first meeting of the states that have ratified the treaty, to discuss what next for the TPNW.
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