If there is no group in your area, why not start one? Starting a new group may seem like a daunting task but with some basic preparation it can be a very rewarding experience as well as crucial to CND’s campaign for a nuclear-free world. CND national office can help so do get in touch if you require advice or support.
There are various ways to start a group and there is not a prescribed procedure that you need to follow. As long as the group’s campaigning focus reflects that of national CND, the way forward and method of organisation is entirely decided by the group’s members.
Initially you should ensure that there is enough support locally to allow a good spread of responsibility, effort and people’s time. To help with this CND national office can send an introductory note to members on your behalf and we are happy to help draft this. You might like to suggest a possible activity e.g. a stall (CND can post a selection of campaigning materials) or local leafleting or a film screening. You might like to call a planning meeting for those interested at a public venue e.g. sympathetic cafe or meeting room.
You should always try to proceed by consensus. Members will often be eager to start campaigning but make sure that a majority are happy with whatever is being suggested. Do find out how much people are prepared to do and what their skills are.
Once you have at least 2 National CND (company) members and 10 supporters, you can officially join as a CND Group for an annual fee of £25. More information on company membership can be found here.
Further group information
- You can download a group membership form here.
- For information about trade union affiliation see our trade union section or for other group affiliations download an affiliation form .
- For information about CND’s Public Liability Insurance see our PLI page.
- For information about individual membership see our join page.