9 December 2004: For immediate release
Women, from all over the country, are to take part in a non-violent blockade of the Menwith Hill US spybase in Yorkshire on the morning of Monday 13 December. They will be saying no to missile defence and calling for the closure of Menwith Hill US spy base. Greenham Common women, together with a new generation of young women, are blockading the base because of its critical role in the US war drive.
The blockade is part of a weekend long women-only peace camp from Friday 10 December, through to the morning of Monday 13 December. The women will blockade the A59 main road supply route to USA Menwith Hill Spy Satellite Missile Guidance Base. The fear of nuclear war that forced women to act over 20 years ago is once again bringing women together against the new threat of nuclear war posed by the US war drive.Helen John, former Greenham activist and protest organiser, said:
“We are encouraging all women to join us to remove all US bases from the UK”.
Kate Hudson, Chair CND said:
‘It is the utmost hypocrisy that the British Government’s justification for war on Iraq was for possessing weapons of mass destruction, when Britain has its own Trident nuclear weapons of terror and has agreed to the use of Menwith Hill for the US’ National Missile Defence project. Missile Defence is part of US military strategy for global domination through the policy of ‘full spectrum dominance’. The Star Wars system will give the US the ability to launch pre-emptive attacks without fear of retaliation.
We have seen in Iraq the reality of pre-emptive war and we must work to change government policy away from this criminal and destructive approach. Star Wars, together with policies of new nuclear weapons, nuclear first strike and pre-emptive war are all part of the new US/UK approach to foreign and military policy. They must be seriously opposed and the women at Menwith Hill are making a peaceful stand against the front line ’
Notes for editors
1. For information on the protest and details of the timing of the blockade contact Helen John on 01943 468 593.
2. For further information please contact Ruth Tanner CND’s Press & Communications Officer on 0207 7002350 or 07968 420859
3. Women Only Peace Camp at Menwith Hill: From the afternoon of Friday 10 December, through to the morning of Monday 13 December. Blockade of the A59 main road supply route to USA Menwith Hill Spy Satellite Missile Guidance Base. The camp is at: Kettlesing Head layby, (opposite Black Bull Pub) , 7 miles west of Harrogate, North Yorkshire. A59 Road toward Skipton.
4. Menwith Hill, near Harrogate in Yorkshire, is the biggest US spy base in the world. It provides surveillance and identification of military targets. Menwith Hill was used by the US to intercept communications and provide military intelligence in the illegal assault on Iraq. The base will be used by the US to identify and track inter-continental ballistic missiles as part of the US National Missile Defence (NMD) system, following the British Government’s agreement last year.
5. The protest is supported by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.