Front of Nakba Day demonstration with woman holding symbolic key of return
Press releases 21 May 2024
Statement from Organisers of last Saturday’s Nakba demonstration

On Saturday, 250 thousand demonstrators marched through London on what was one of the...

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National demonstration. Nakba 76. End the genocide. Stop arming Israel. BBC Portland Place. 12 noon, Saturday 18 May
Press releases 10 May 2024
Palestine Coalition joins the Global Day of Action for Gaza on 76th Nakba Anniversary

 14th National march for Palestine since Israel launched its war on Gaza, on Saturday...

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Image of mushroom cloud with protesters in foreground. One placard reads: "Stop US nukes coming to Britain"
Press releases 8 May 2024
CND to hold national day of action against return of US nukes to Britain

On Saturday, May 11, CND will lead a nationwide day of action opposing the...

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Press releases 2 May 2024
Protesters to descend on RAF Lakenheath, 11 May 2024

On Saturday 11 May, protesters will descend on the main gate of RAF Lakenheath....

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