On 6 November 2021, as world leaders meet in Glasgow for the COP26 Global Climate Summit, towns and cities across the world will take to the streets demanding global climate justice.
The decisions made at COP26 will shape how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. They will decide who is to be sacrificed, who will escape and who will make a profit.So far, governments have done too little too late: colluding with corporations and hiding behind green washed ‘solutions’ that don’t actually exist yet, that don’t address the scale of the problem, and in many cases rely on even more exploitation of people and the planet.
In response to the conditions of the pandemic, the COP26 Coalition is organising decentralised demonstrations and actions across the UK and across the world. The Yorkshire demonstration will be assembling in Millennium Square, Leeds.
For any enquiries, please contact 01274 730795 or email info@yorkshirecnd.org.uk
Millennium Square